• December 28, 2020
  • thesurvivorseries
  • Books

I couldnt have needed it more than now. A gifted reading. Leanne Matkovich, [email protected].

My father came through and wanted to say he was proud of me for writing my book. He wanted to encourage me to keep writing as I have something important to share. He also said, he wanted to confirm if I felt him around me while writing, it was him, he said,” I am there with you supporting you on your writing.” I was thrilled to hear that. I have not ever been given a msg from my father since he died 24 years ago. Most appreciative was when he said he was so proud I had not carried on his legacy. I take that as I had educated myself in a way to not abuse my children while I was a mother. Leanne was so very pleased to bring me a msg most needed at a time I struggled writing my experience surviving my childhood. This is great. Have you needed a supporting msg at a time of need? I urge you to contact Leanne and have yourself a great experience in your life when being in our homes have been so tough. Let me know if you have received a msg from a loved one that has passed on.