• December 9, 2020
  • thesurvivorseries
  • Journal

Since I made the decision to write “The Survival Series” I have been in an environment of visiting the past. Its a  gentle, calm place to be. I search my internal filing system for the information. Sometimes it just flows. When the Editor suggests expanding on the topic. I have to think, and out it comes. I am very pleased with my progress so far. I hired an amazing coach, Susan L. Axelrod, ccp | 518.495.4573 

Join my private FB community: Discovering You Again for women in the second half of life

Confident-Life™ Coaching-For women in mid-life, executive women in business and women in transition

My Editor provided the polished to make it shine: Karen Knowles, Editor, Creative Spark Coaching, 518.429.4918

Thank you Kelly Walk Hines, “My Path Through Suicide Loss” is at the book designer & formatting, by Kelly Walk Hines, author, Motivational Speaker, Domestic Violence Awareness Exhibit linkedin.com/in/kelly-walk-hines-640985148 


1 comment on “My Journey Through Writing Book 1.

  1. It’s been a pleasure and a transformative experience working with you as a coach. I’ve loved learning about Nicholas’s life and the path you both traveled. Always wishing you the best with your angel, love Susan